BHHS Chicago has partnered with Real Estate Institute to offer discounted post-license to our agents.
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Special / Discounted Program
POST-LICENSE EDUCATION - First License Renewal Only
45-Hour Broker Post-License Program - Online Distance Education | BHHS - Chicago
Course Credits:
- 45 Hour(s) Post-License Education
- Sexual Harassment Prevention
View Details
Enroll Now
Illinois license law requires new Brokers to have additional supervision until they complete their 45 hours of post-license education. Until post-license is complete, a licensee’s Designated Managing Broker must:
- Directly handle all earnest money
- Directly handle contract negotiations
- Approve all advertisements involving the newly licensed Broker
We encourage Brokers to promptly complete this training and notify their Designated Managing Broker.
Determine Your Requirement
Real Estate Institute is available to answer questions regarding your license renewal requirements. Use our Virtual Assistant or Contact Us.
Illinois Broker Post-License Requirements:
- 45 credit hours of post-license education, consisting of:
- Three 15-credit-hour courses
- One hour of Sexual Harassment Prevention training
- Required for Brokers:
- Renewing for the first time
- Brokers renew every two years by April 30 (in even years)
Note: New licensees require additional supervision by their designated managing broker until the licensee completes the 45-hour post-license education requirement