Manfred Real Estate Learning Center has partnered with Real Estate Institute to offer NMLS-Approved Continuing education programs.
Find answers to our most commonly asked questions
Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System
Source: NMLS
State-Specific Education Requirements Chart
Source: NMLS
Is Real Estate Institute an NMLS-approved course provider?
Yes. Real Estate Institute is an NMLS-Approved Course Provider, #1400102. We offer NMLS-approved pre-license and continuing education programs.
Click here for more information about our continuing education course offerings.
Who is required to take NMLS-approved continuing education?
All Loan Originators working for State-licensed companies are required to complete a minimum of eight (8) credit hours of NMLS-Approved continuing education each calendar year. Some state also require additional state-specific education.
Will I need a webcam to attend a webinar?
NMLS requires you to be visible on camera from at least the shoulders up for the duration of the webinar. You must also be in a professional setting in front of your computer and engaged during the duration of the webinar. Multitasking or engaging in any outside activities during the webinar is not permitted.
If you cannot comply with these requirements, you will be removed from the webinar and be required to reschedule.
Are there any special technology requirements in order for me to attend a live webinar?
Device Requirements:
- Personal Computers (Windows or Mac)
Click here to test your computer's compatibility.
- Webcam
- NMLS requires you to be visible on camera from at least the shoulders up for the duration of the course instruction. You must also be in a professional setting in front of your computer and engaged during the duration of the webinar. Multitasking or engaging in any outside activities during the webinar is not permitted. If you cannot comply with these requirements, you will be removed from the webinar and be required to reschedule.
- Audio, to hear presenter throughout the webinar. You may ask questions and interact with the instructor via text chat.
- High-speed, reliable Internet connectivity
How many hours of continuing education is required by the SAFE act?
Every state-licensed mortgage loan originator must complete at least 8 hours of NMLS-approved education annually. Some states also have state-specific education requirements that must be met.
See the NMLS State-Specific Education Requirements Chart for details.
I became licensed as a Loan Originator this year. Do I still need to complete a continuing education course this year?
It is unlikely. To confirm however, please view the NMLS education requirements chart and view your state(s) to confirm.
Do Real Estate Institute's continuing education courses satisfy all my education requirements?
Our 7 & 8 hour courses fulfill the national CE requirements under the SAFE Act (3 hours of federal law, 2 hours of ethics and 2 hours of non-traditional mortgage products). Our 7 & 8 hour courses do NOT include any state specific education.
We also offer additional state-specific continuing courses that are required for some states. Our state specific courses will only be offered in an online, self-study format.
If you are unsure if the states you are licensed in require state-specific education, check the NMLS State-Specific Education Requirements Chart for details.
Does Real Estate Institute offer state-specific continuing education?
Yes, we will have all state-specific continuing courses that are required for some states. Our state specific courses will only be offered in an online, self-study format.
If you are unsure if the states you are licensed in require state-specific education, check the NMLS State-Specific Education Requirements Chart for details.
How can I complete my 7 or 8 hour continuing education requirement with Real Estate Institute?
We offer all three NMLS approved delivery options. We offer 8 hour classes in the Chicagoland area, as well as 7 and 8 hour live webinars and online self-study courses.
If I enroll in an online self-study course will I get immediate access to the course?
Yes. Upon enrollment, you will be able to access your online self-study course immediately through your Student Homepage.
Are there set due dates for when I must complete my online self-study coursework?
All NMLS-approved continuing education OSS courses will expire six months after the date of enrollment OR by January 2nd of the following year of purchase; whichever comes first.
I took an online self-study course with you last year. Is the content going to be different in this year’s course?
To ensure if a course is different than the one you completed with our school last year, view the course's product page and look for the message "This Course is Successive Year Compliant" or "This Course is Not Successive Year Compliant".
If you are still unsure, please contact our knowledgeable customer service team for support.
Will there be quizzes or questions I have to answer throughout the course, or is there a final exam I will need to complete?
Yes. Our courses have been developed so that you’ll be completing knowledge checks as you progress through chunks of the course content. These knowledge checks are designed to help gauge your understanding of the course material.
Live and Webinar courses conclude with a comprehensive case study in which all students must participate to demonstrate learning. Online Self Study courses conclude with a final (multiple choice) exam on which you must score at least 70%. Students are given six attempts to pass the final exam.
Will I lose my work if I need to stop the course and come back to it? Are there time restrictions within the course?
Our online learning platform will track your progress as you move through the course modules. There is no option for you to save your progress as it is happening automatically for you. Per NMLS guidelines, if you are inactive in the course for six minutes, you will be automatically logged out of the course. When you log back in and relaunch the course, you will be prompted to return to the place you left off. However, your six minutes of inactivity will be subtracted from your accumulated course time.
Are there any special technology requirements in order for me to access my online self-study course?
In order to take our online course, you will need the following technology:
- High-speed internet access
- Desktop or laptop computer (The NMLS does not allow you to take courses on a tablet or mobile device.)
- Modern Web browser (Google Chrome is preferred.)
- Headphones or external speakers to play any course audio that may or may not accompany a video
How can you verify that I am the one completing the online self-study course?
NMLS uses a vendor named BioSig, which is a student identity verification password system. A primary purpose for NMLS employing BioSig is to ensure MLOs are completing annual education requirements in accordance with the SAFE Act. Please note that the BioSig-ID software is designed to inform NMLS of suspicious user behaviors. At various times during the online self-study course, the student will be requested to validate their identity using BioSig-ID. A BioSig-ID validation will be required throughout the course.
What is BioSig?
BioSig is the vendor that the NMLS has chosen to integrate a student identity verification password system called BioSig-ID. This system is required for all NMLS-approvied online self-study continuing education programs.
I'm having trouble with the BioSig-ID process. What do I do?
In order to receive troubleshooting or technical support, you must contact BioSig directly. If you are currently enrolled in a course, you will find links to contact BioSig in your student portal. They do not have a phone number and can only be contacted online by submitting a ticket request.
Is BioSig used for live webinar programs?
No, currently NMLS only employs BioSig with all online self-study continuing education programs.
I have a group of people in my office that need to complete their requirements. Can we arrange for the firm to receive all the certificates for the firm's records?
Yes, we can coordinate everything for your firm. You choose a group coordinator, and we will send all certificates directly to that person. In addition, we will work with your group coordinator to streamline registration, attendance, and recordkeeping for all loan originators at your firm.
Contact us to learn more!
Do you report my education completion to the NMLS for me?
Yes. Real Estate Institute will report your course completion to the NMLS within 7 days of course completion.
Does Real Estate Institute offer in-person classes?
During certain times of the year, typically in the months leading up to the license renewal, we will have class locations throughout the Chicago area.